New Windows & Front Door Goes In!
Our Trust is proud to announce the replacement of large sections of high level windows, a brand new front door to the same design as the original 1966 architecture and refurbishment of other windows. Pre 2013 Lewisham Council neglected the building and failed to maintain the high quality window frames and during close (2013 to 2018) caused further damage to the frames by leaving them open and the incorrect application of expanding foam. In 2018 Wilmot Dixon repaired them the best they could but replacement was the only real option. The great news is that we are finally replacing them this month. All new woodwork and glass and the high level windows can open again to allow ventilation during the summer. The front door also looks stunning allowing light to flood into the reception area again as per the original architect’s concept. Our building is “Locally Listed” so all works are based on the principle of repairing or replacing to the exact original designs.
We have also installed a replica high quality new garage door to the exact design of the original. Six more are to follow soon and each unit will be let to good causes and community groups - let us know if you would like to rent a garage space!
This work is funded by a Lewisham Council Ward NCIL Grant and GPYC BPT core funds we have raised via other partners and donations. The works are being undertaken by high quality craftsmen and properly maintained will last for decades to come.